Lee Patterson

Patterson uses sound making and recording to devise performances with a selection of amplified objects, devices and processes, from rock chalk to springs, from burning nuts to vibrating metal.

Based in Prestwich, Manchester, UK., he works internationally and has featured on UK TV, BBC Radios 3, 4 and 6, Resonance FM and on radio stations worldwide.

Full of Noises 2019
Lee Patterson – Terrain: for amplified objects and devices.

When considered in detail, the tabletop can be seen as a kind of miniature terrain, a plateau upon which Patterson places objects devised to produce sound in simple ways.

Self-built from materials found locally, he will explore the sonic potential of his unique instruments through the amplification and activation of these objects, devices and processes.

From effervescent salts to amplified springs and vibrating ampoules to burning nuts, he will open up and play an often inaudible soundworld emitted by otherwise mute devices and objects.